To guarantee the quality of our products, we always request our suppliers to provide documents and quality certificates for all the materials delivered.
The company adopts an internal traceability system with which it is possible to track all structure components. This is possible by marking all the parts with references to customers’ orders and mill test certificates.
More specifically, the traceability system consists of the following:
- An identification tag is attached to incoming raw materials and materials to be tested in the laboratory
- The operator writes the specimen number on the bill of materials; the bill of materials also indicates the number of pieces, the quality of the material and the data specified in the identification tag
- The job identification tag is applied to the material
- The pieces are marked by punching; the punch marking will be visible after surface treatment
Quality controls are performed at the INCOMING MATERIAL DEPARTMENT (delivery note check, visual test and dimensional test), the LABORATORY (tensile tests, resilience tests and chemical analyses), the PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT (checking against drawings, preassembly, NDT on welds), the FINISHED PRODUCT WAREHOUSE (inspection of galvanizing, painting and packaging).
On customer’s request and/or to check prototypes, we also provide on-ground preassembly of the structures.
We also carry out tests on finished or semi-finished products.
Special care is paid to the welding process by performing a complete visual test (VT) on materials, while, upon customer’s request, other non-destructive tests are carried out on welds (MT and DT).
Customers may choose to be present during testing, for which we provide the relevant test certificate.
All this allows S.I.F.A. to maintain complete control on all internal processes and elements of the production cycle guaranteeing customers the maximum quality of the processings carried out.